Yoyleberry Method (A Variation)

Step 1: Get into Barrel-Barrel. This can always be done in 6 or fewer slices. A basic method to do this step is to get all 8 edges next to each other, then do / U2 D4 /.
Step 2: Edge Checkering: The 4 edge pairs need to be all yellow-white or all white-yellow. Requires 12 algorithms (9 excluding mirrors).

Name Image Algorithm Probability Comments
Solved N/A 2.86% 1 in 35 skip chance.
Left Feet / U' / U' / 11.43%
Right Feet / U / U / 11.43% Mirror of Left Feet.
Opp. Feet / U5' / 22.86% The most common case.
Left Crowbar / U / U' / 5.71%
Right Crowbar / U' / U / 5.71% Mirror of Left Crowbar.
Matching Blocks / U' D' / 2.86% Can be performed from any angle.
Blocolumns / U' / U5 D / 11.43%
Opp. Blocks / U' / U' D' / 5.71% Lateral slice into Matching Blocks.
Lock / U' / D5 / 11.43% Lateral slice into Opp. Feet.
Columns / U / U' D' / 5.71% Central slice into Matching Blocks.
Antipode / U D / U / U' D' / 2.86% Lateral slice into Columns.

Step 3: Corner-Edge Pairs: All 8 edges need to be paired with their respective corner. The notation is different here: since 30-degree turns are impossible, a 60-degree turn is U/D.
  1. Create two "quads" made of of an edge pair with its two corresponding corners. One quad will be on each layer.
  2. Use a 3-cycle to get both of the remaining edges in the same location relative to the quad on each layer. Can be done intuitively, but easier to do with two algorithms: the 3-cycle (/ D' / U / U' / D) and the antipode (/ U' / U2' / U' / U' /).
  3. Place the U quad on D, and you will automatically be in Barrel-Barrel.
  4. Pair the remaining 4 edges on the top layer. Requires 13 algorithms (9 excluding mirrors and inverses).

Case Algorithm Probability Comments
Adj: 2 ⟷ 3 / U / D' / U2' / U' / U2' / U2' / D U' / 8.33% Start off with / U / D' /. The next 4 face turns are just U2' U' U2' U2', and the / D U' / kind of undoes the / U / D' / at the beginning.
Opp: 2 ⟷ 6 / D / U / U' / U' / D' U2' / U' / U2' / 8.33% Do / D / to start things off. Then we do 3 U-turns (U / U' / U' /) before undoing the initial D with a D'. Then U2' / U' / U2' / to finish it off.
Diag: 1 ⟷ 4 / D U2' / U2 D' / U / D U2' / U2 D' / 8.33% (12.5%) Note the structure in the algorithm: We do some setup moves (/ D U2'), do a slice, undo the setup, and do U. Then repeat.
If you have an X-perm (1 ⟷ 4; 2 ⟷ 5), use this algorithm to swap the two edge pairs. This happens with 4.17% probability.
A perm: 6 → 2 → 3 → 6 / U2 D / U' / U / D' / U2' / 8.33% / U2 [mirrored & shifted 3-cycle] U2' /
A' perm: 6 → 3 → 2 → 6 / U2' / D / U' / U / D' U2 / 8.33% / U2' [mirrored 3-cycle] U2 /
a perm: 1 → 2 → 4 → 1 / U2 / D' / U / U' / D U2' / 8.33% / U2 [3-cycle] U2' /
a' perm: 1 → 4 → 2 → 1 / U2 D' / U / U' / D / U2' / 8.33% / U2 [shifted 3-cycle] U2' /
O perm: 1 → 2 → 4 → 5 → 1 / U / U / U' / D / U' / U / D' / 4.17% Alternates between slice and face turns. Pretty easy to memorize.
O' perm: 1 → 5 → 4 → 2 → 1 / D / U' / U / D' / U / U' / U' / 4.17% Just the mirror of O perm.
W perm: 2 → 3 → 6 → 5 → 2 / U2 / U2' / U' / U' / U2' / U / 8.33% 2-gen.
N perm: 1 → 4 → 6 → 3 → 1 / U2 / U2' / U' / U2 / U / U' / U2' / 8.33% 2-gen. Same 3 starting face turns as W perm.
E perm: 1 ⟷ 2; 4 ⟷ 5 / D' U' / U' / U D / D' / U D / 4.17% Alternates between two and one face turns in betwen each slice turn. Note the obvious structure in the algorithm.
H perm: 1 ⟷ 3; 4 ⟷ 6 / D' U' / U2' / U D / U D' / U D / 4.17% Once you learn the E perm, the H perm is very easy to learn.

Step 4: Square-0
The notation is different again: since only 90-degree turns are used, a 90-degree turn is U/D.
  1. Get back into cubeshape: / U D / does the trick. It's possible to learn all ~100-ish algs to solve all of step 4 with one alg, but these algs are not listed.
  2. PBL: Solve the whole thing! Requires 5 algorithms.
Name Algorithm Probability Comments
Solved N/A 2.78% 1 in 36 skip chance.
N+N / U D' / U' D / 2.78% Although this is arguably the best PBL, if you recognize that you'll get this case, do a U2 before going back into cubeshape to skip PBL.
J+J / U' / U' D' / U' / 44.44% Put the solved bars in the back.
N+J / U' / U / U' / U / 22.22% Put the solved bar in the bottom-left.
Pure J / U / U' / U' D / U' / U / 22.22% Put the unsolved pieces in the top-right, like a normal J perm.
Pure N / U' D' / U / U' D' / U / U' D' / 5.56% This is arguably the worst PBL, but it's easy to remember: ( / U' D' / U )x3. It can be avoided by doing a central slice before going back into cubeshape, and you'll get J+J instead.